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Dr. Marcel and Jane Saghir – an enduring connection to Lebanon, and a desire to help

January 5, 2022

Dr. Marcel Saghir (MD ’63) has been living in the US for more than 50 years, but he has never left Lebanon. “I don’t think you ever leave a place where you spent the first 24 years of your life – especially if that place is Lebanon,” he says.

Saghir grew up in north Lebanon as the oldest of six children. His parents worked hard to ensure that Saghir and his five younger brothers and sisters got the best possible education. “Education was a priority for both of my parents. They did everything for all of us and managed to send four of us to private schools,” remembers Saghir. Their efforts were well-rewarded. Marcel and two of his younger brothers, Hanna and Riad, graduated from AUB. Although he dreamed at one point of becoming a poet and a writer, Marcel followed his father’s advice and applied to medical school instead. He has no regrets. “My Dad in his wisdom knew that it would be hard to make a good living as a poet. He was right,” says Saghir.

After earning his MD degree at AUB, Saghir completed a residency in psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He subsequently joined the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry, becoming full professor in 1975. In addition to being a faculty member, Saghir was also a practicing psychiatrist in St. Louis for more than 45 years, including 15 years in academic psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He retired in 1975.

Saghir has returned to Lebanon many times over the years – often with his wife, Jane. “My first visit was in 1969,” she remembers. “I was so fortunate to be able to see Lebanon then. We have been back many times – and had an especially memorable visit with our entire family – including our three children and seven grandchildren – several years ago. We all feel a strong connection to Lebanon.”

It is partly that strong connection that prompted Marcel and Jane Saghir to establish an endowed scholarship fund. “AUB is a treasure,” says Marcel, “which we all need to protect. We hope that what we are doing will encourage others who were educated at AUB, and have the resources, to also establish scholarships to help students.” Both Marcel and Jane worry a lot about the challenges that current students are facing. “It’s a privilege for us to be able to help,” says Jane. “We are deeply grateful to donors like Dr. Marcel and Jane for their generosity during these difficult times,” says Associate Vice President for Development Walid Katergi.